3.4. Examples

3.4.1. Running a simulation

First, the test case should be defined. We assume to open an ipython command window in the folder containing the data and disturbance file:

import pyramses
case = pyramses.cfg()
case.addOut('output.trace') # save the simulation output
case.addData('dyn_A.dat') # Dynamic data
case.addData('volt_rat_A.dat') # power-flow data
case.addData('settings1.dat') # solver settings
case.addInit('init.trace') # save initialization procedure
case.addDst('short_trip_branch.dst') # description of disturbance
case.addCont('cont.trace') # save continuous trace
case.addDisc('disc.trace') # save discrete trace
case.addRunObs('BV 4044') # observe the voltage magnitude of bus 4044 during simulation
case.addRunObs('BV 1041') # observe the voltage magnitude of bus 1041 during simulation
case.writeCmdFile('cmd.txt') # Save configuration for future use

Next, a simulator instance should be initialized:

ram = pyramses.sim()

Finally, the simulation is executed:

ram.execSim(case) # run until the end of the simulation


By modifying the parameter $NBTHREADS inside the solver settings data file, the simulation will be performed in parallel. Putting $NBTHREADS to zero, will use all the available computing cores for the simulation. Pause and continue

The user can pause the simulation at any point. For example:

ram.execSim(case, 0.0) # start the simulation paused
ram.contSim(10.0) # simulate until t=10.0 seconds
ram.contSim(ram.getSimTime() + 60.0) # simulate until t=t+60.0=70.0 seconds. getSimTime() returns the current simulation time
ram.contSim(ram.getInfTime()) # simulate until the end (time horizon was reached or an early stop happened due to system violations or collapse) Get measurements from the system

When the simulation is paused, we can read the system states:

ram.execSim(case, 10.0) # start the simulation and pause at t=10.0 seconds
busNames = ['g1', 'g2', 'g3'] # names of buses we want to observe the voltage at
voltages = ram.getBusVolt(busNames) # returns a list of voltages
comp_type = ['EXC', 'EXC']
comp_name = ['g1', 'g2']
prm_name = ['V0', 'KPSS']
prms = ram.getPrm(comp_type, comp_name, prm_name) # returns a list with parameter V0 of synchronous machine g1 and parameter KPSS of synchronous machine g2
comp_type = ['INJ','EXC','TOR']
comp_name = ['L_11','g2','g3']
obs_name = ['P','vf','Pm']
obs = ram.getObs(comp_type, comp_name, obs_name) # returns a list with observables P of injector L_11, vf of the exciter model of machine g2, and Pm of the torque model of machine g3 Modify parameters

At the same time we can modify some parameters of the simulation:

ram.execSim(case, 80.0) # start the simulation and pause at t=80.0 seconds
ram.addDisturb(100.000, 'CHGPRM DCTL 1-1041  Vsetpt -0.05 0') # Decrease the setpoint of the DCTL by 0.015 pu, at t=100 s
ram.addDisturb(100.000, 'CHGPRM DCTL 2-1042  Vsetpt -0.05 0')
ram.addDisturb(100.000, 'CHGPRM DCTL 3-1043  Vsetpt -0.05 0')
ram.addDisturb(100.000, 'CHGPRM DCTL 4-1044  Vsetpt -0.05 0')
ram.addDisturb(100.000, 'CHGPRM DCTL 5-1045  Vsetpt -0.05 0')
ram.contSim(ram.getInfTime()) # simulate until the end (time horizon was reached or an early stop happened due to system violations or collapse)

For the syntax of CHGPRM you should check the documentation of RAMSES. Add events/disturbances

With the same time we can add other events to the simulation:

ram.execSim(case, 80.0) # start the simulation and pause at t=80.0 seconds
ram.addDisturb(100.000, 'FAULT BUS 4032 0.') # simulate 3ph short-circuit to ground
ram.addDisturb(100.100, 'CLEAR BUS 4032') # clear short-circuit by tripping line 4032-4044
ram.addDisturb(100.100, 'BREAKER BRANCH 4032-4044 0 0')
ram.contSim(ram.getInfTime()) # simulate until the end (time horizon was reached or an early stop happened due to system violations or collapse)

For the syntax of all events you should check the documentation of RAMSES.